
Sture Petersson

Chairman MidDec Scandinavia AB MSc. Physics, Uppsala University 1965. PhD in Solid State Electronics, Uppsala University 1973. Assistant Professor Uppsala University. Professor at Royal Institute of technology since 1983. Researcher at IBM Research Center in Yorktown Heights USA 78-80 and guest professor at Imec in Belgium, 90-91. Dean at Mid Sweden University and professor in the area of electronic design. About 250 scientific publications and several patents in the area of detector science.

Örjan Martelleur

Manager Director MidDec Scandinavia AB
MSc. Physics and electronics , Linköping Institute of technology1987.
MBA. International Master of Business Administration at Uppsala University 1997.
Since 1987 Örjan has been working in the Telecommunication and IT business in Scandinavia and other European countries. He has broad experience including areas like developing, production and sales. This is resulting from acting as an expert in mobile communication, developer of new IT systems, project manager, manager, developer of business and organisation to marketing and sales.

Göran Thungström

Chief Labs & Process MidDec Scandinavia AB
M.Sc. in experimental physics University of Stockholm 1991.
PhD. in Solid State Electronics. Royal Institute of technology 2000.
Senior teacher in electronics at Mid Sweden University. Responsible for construction and process development of the clean room at Mid Sweden University. Göran is especially focused in production of semiconductor components. About 20 scientific publications and a patent in area of detector science.

Christer Fröjdh

Chief R&D MidDec Scandinavia AB
B. Sc. Matematik, Fysik och Data, Uppsala University, 1976
PhD. in Solid State Electronics. Royal Institute of technology.
Senior lecturer at Royal Institute of technology 2000. Now Senior lecturer in electronics and Prefect at Mid Sweden University. Christer is specialized at the area of detectors for xray imaging. Experienced in international research and cooperation, especially EU-funded R&D programmes. Coordinator of the XIMAGE-project, in the forth framework programme, project manager at 3D-RID in the fifth framework programme, evaluator of the forth and fifth framework programmes. Represents Mid Sweden University in the CERN-project MEDIPIX2. About 30 scientific publications and several patents in the area of detector science. During 1976-1986 Christer also worked as a software developer at the company NorrData.